Brain-Based Conversations Leading to Empowered Change

Our Clarity Catalysts take contemporary neuroscience and best practices to create transformational change.

Our coaching programs are designed to take a self-directed approach. We understand where your leadership is rooted, assess how your team is experiencing your leadership, and focus on key areas you would like to enhance. 

Your best thinking and core leadership tendencies are defined by understanding: 

  • Leadership DNA: Your core strengths and understanding of your leadership structure.
  • Leadership Footprint: How your team and others are experiencing your leadership strengths and skills.
  • Reconnection: Defining who you are as a leader and reconnecting with your best thinking, helping you create a structure and impact for the goals you want to achieve.

Executive Clarity Coaching

Is change, confusion or conflict distracting you from results? We turn learning into action.

You need help from the perspective of an objective expert.

You need a confidential resource to help you better understand the depth and breadth of the situation.

You need help mapping out the best next steps.


Team Clarity Coaching

Got a Pink Elephant in the Room?

We are Team Clarity Catalysts who will help you get back to focusing on results without the interpersonal obstacles, confusion or change resistance that is distracting your team.

One executive described it like this: “We all knew there was a pink elephant in the room and that it was hijacking our ability to collaborate on results. But if you asked us each of us to draw it, no two would be the same. We lost our ability to be objective and we needed you to help us come to a shared understanding, shared goals and shared accountability for results.”


We Navigate the Hard

Clarity Catalysts facilitate real conversations for executives and the teams they lead to navigate the important and hard discussions so they are free to focus on results.

We understand the complexity of executive leadership and work-life balance, integrating the realities and challenges of C-Suite life and leadership.

We bring objectivity and facilitate data gathering that brings robust insight to the leadership challenges you face so you can take freshly informed action.

We commit dedicated time to focus on you and on what is uniquely important to you - creating a consistent and one-of-kind-customized development program that addresses your specific priorities and needs.

We provide accountability that helps you “right the ship” and align your leadership aspirations with observable actions that move the needle on your goals.


Click here to schedule a 15 minute consultation.

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